Authorization & Consent Forms
Parent Consent, Authorization and Release
Required session form for NILMDTS Affiliated Photography, Retouching and Medical Affiliates. (Note: When printing, please be sure to “scale to fit” as printers have different print margins and may cut off content.)
If a NILMDTS Affiliated Photographer or Medical Affiliate is not available, please utilize the Remembrance Photography Guide which includes instructions for submitting images for retouching. Have the family fill out the Consent Form below and then following the instructions in the Remembrance Photography Guide, send to us along with the images to be retouched.
Hospital Authorization for Release of Information
For use by the hospital if deemed necessary. This provides the hospital permission by parents to allow medical staff to share personal information. It is not a required NILMDTS document but is made available to facilities for their use only.
If you are a facility and would like to place a bulk order of NILMDTS Brochures for your patients, please email medical@nilmdts.org. Other available brochures can be ordered through our online store.
We recommend hospitals have our brochures on hand, however, if you need immediate introductory material for your families, you can download and print our brochure content in an easily printable one-page Parent Informational Flyer: English Version or Spanish Version.
Hospital In-Service
The NILMDTS Area Coordinator is responsible for coordinating an in-service training presentation for the hospital staff. To locate your Area Coordinator and request in-service training, please visit Find a Photographer. If your community does not have an Area Coordinator, please contact our Volunteer Leadership at support@nilmdts.org.