International Bereaved Mother’s Day

This year International Bereaved Mother’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday, May 7, 2023.

Mother’s Day is a day of the year that we come together to celebrate all the mothers around the world. It’s a day that is supposed to bring joy, recognition, love, and appreciation to these incredible women that do so much for humanity. If you have experienced the death of one or more of your children, struggle to conceive a child or are unable to fall pregnant at all, this day can often bring up feelings of isolation, unworthiness, pain, and sadness.

Much of society has forgotten the true meaning of Mother’s Day and fails to support and recognize all true mothers.


American, Anna Jarvis, founded the official Mother’s Day in 1908 to honor her own mother, Ann. Ann Jarvis gave birth to around a dozen children. Only 4 survived to grow into adults. Most of her children who died passed away from diseases such as the measles and typhoid fever. The history of this Mother’s Day is fascinating. With such heartfelt and meaningful roots, it is devastating to see how through the years, the true meaning of mother’s day has been somewhat lost and is now what some would describe as a commercialized mess that large companies make millions of dollars from. The worst thing is that bereaved mothers are usually completely forgotten.

Mother’s Day was created in honor of a bereaved mother. It’s time to take this day back to its roots. For us to educate the rest of society on the true meaning of Mother’s Day, we must use our voices. We become mothers the very moment that we open our hearts to the idea of conceiving a child. Let us remind people of this truth.


In 2010, I felt drawn to create International Bereaved Mother’s Day to help heal hurting Mother Hearts. International Bereaved Mother’s Day is a temporary movement. It is a heart-centered attempt at healing the official Mother’s Day. I believe that we can do this and that sometime in the near future there will be no need for this day at all because all true mothers will be recognized, loved, supported and celebrated. This year’s Mother Hearts Project is set to change hearts and lives. The official Project Launches this week.

On Sunday, May 7, 2023, get together with your closest friends and family and celebrate your beautiful Mother Heart. Celebrate your babies and children. Let’s speak about the true meaning of Mother’s Day. Let us start some healing conversations.

Donate today to honor a courageous mother and remember a precious baby.

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